Thank you for considering a donation to MWA!

Memphremagog Watershed Association is coordinating efforts to sustain and protect a truly unique watershed that encompasses a total of 687 square miles; 489 square miles (71%) are in Vermont and 198 square miles (29%) are in the Province of Quebec, Canada. The Memphremagog Watershed has a rich history and ecology with significant forests, wetlands, floodplains and swamps.

MWA, working with our partners, develops guidelines and policies, implements restoration projects and improvements to infrastructure, invasive species removal and educational programs. Protecting and restoring this magnificent watershed improves water quality, reduces flooding and erosion, re-establishes habitat and recharges the groundwater for now and the generations to come.

Your contribution will go directly to supporting our conservation efforts.

Memphremagog Watershed Association is a member-based, volunteer, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law.

Your Donation will: Make you a Champion for clean water for recreation and fishing. Help Protect and restore the rivers that feed into the lakes. Make you a Guardian of streambank restoration.

Thank You for Your Support