MWA works closely with VT Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to provide input, data, and comments on the Basin 17 Tactical Basin Plan (TBP). The TBP is a strategic planning document that summarizes available data and information for our watershed and those of the Tomifobia and Coaticook Rivers, all of which lie within Basin 17 in the Northeast Kingdom. The document uses this information to identify needs, strategies, and implementation objectives for the watershed in an effort to meet regulatory targets set by the Environmental Protection Agency in the Memphremagog Total Maximum Daily Load. MWA works with the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and other partners to develop strategies, coordinate initiatives, collect data, and implement projects that work to achieve the goals of the TBP. This project is funded through Watershed United Vermont (WUV) TBP Support Work Plan Grant. 

Read the Tactical Basin Plan Here